The Silverstein Gold ligature is simply fantastic. It responds in a simple and immediate way, improving the sound in a superlative way. The bindings are stable and clean and the dynamism works perfectly from pianissimo (pp) to fortissimo (fff) without any physical effort.

Exceptional and 100% recommended by the youngest to the great professionals.

Massimo Santaniello is a multifaceted musician, soloist, chamber musician, teacher, project manager, artistic director and conductor, with a strong aptitude for supporting young musicians.
Graduated with full marks from the “Domenico Cimaros” Conservatory in Avellino, he studied at the National Academy of Santa Cecilia in Rome and at the International Music School of Fiesole in Florence.

He has more than 1000 concerts to his credit as a soloist and with chamber ensembles, with various national and international orchestras. He carries out an intense

concert activity that sees him busy in Italy as well as Germany, Austria, France, Japan, and the United States. He has recorded for the Rainbow Classical, Azzurra Music, and Cat Sound labels.

He has collaborated both as a musician and as an artistic director with some of the most important artists on the international scene such as Marcello Rota, Carla Delfrate, Boris Brott, L. Bacalov, Hector Ulisse Passarella, Bruno Canino, Antonio Ballista, Alberto Nosè, Sandro Laffranchini, Gianmaria Griglio, Sobrino Giampiero, Mariozzi Vincenzo, Francesco Bossone, Cecilia Laca, Giuseppe Lanzetta, Leo Gullotta, Giulio Scarpati, Mario Zamma, Francesco Omassini, Luca Signorini, Gianni Fassetta, Glauco Bertagnin, Roberto

Baraldi, Sergio Cammarere, Fabrizio Bosso, Fiorella Mannoia, De Gregori, Peppe Vessicchio, Amanda Sandrelli, Blas Roca Rey, the Quartet of the San Carlo theater in Naples, the Fenice Orchestra of Venice, Mantua Chamber Orchestra, Moldavia Orchestra, Arad State Orchestra, Orchestra of the city of Verona, Orchestra Fukuoka Sinfonietta in Japan, Orchestra and choir of Southern Germany, Orchestra Interpreti Italiani, Orchestra Scarlatti Regione Campania, I Solisti del Sesto Armonico, Fedele Fenaroli International Orchestra, and other musical realities.

M.Santaniello has a special relationship with Japan as a soloist but also as a conductor with the Fukuoka Sinfonietta Orchestra. He has held master classes in Japan and in various orchestra workshops for young musicians; above all, the project “Boys at the Opera” in Legnago (Verona) – the city of the composer Antonio Salieri – and at the Domenico Cimarosa State Conservatory in Avellino.

From 2019 (and until 2026) he holds the role of Superintendent and artistic director at the E. Balzan Theater “La Piccola Fenice” in Polesine and at the Orchestra I Filarmonici Veneti. He is a delegate consultant at the Municipality of Lauro (Avellino) for all Public Performances and is president of the Tourist District Vallo di Lauro Antico Clanis established by the Minister of Cultural Heritage Dario Franceschini.

He has been artistic director from 2006 to 2015 of the Musi festival Pianura Veneta in collaboration with the Veneto Region, the province of Verona, the province of Rovigo, the province of Padua and the municipalities of: Legnago, Villa Bartolomea, Bonavigo, Cerea, Casaleone, Isola Rizza, Roverchiara, Valeggio sul Mincio,Montagnana, Badia Polesine, Lendinara, Arquà Polesine, Giacciano with Baruchella, Este.

He has been the director of the Music Festival in the Museums promoted by the Fioroni Foundation of Legnago (Verona).

M.Santaniello is currently the referent of an International – European music committee, which has as its objective the enhancement of music and the international cultural exchange between the various musical realities.
The committee is made up of musicians from various academies and music conservatories in New York, New Jersey, The Hague, while the participation is extended to the various cities in France, England, and Japan.